Protective Coatings and Linings

Protective Coatings and Linings

As industrial coatings and linings specialists, we understand that our craft is an essential element to protecting and preserving both the environment and our clients valuable and sometimes irreplaceable assets. Protective coatings and linings are the first line of defense against the onslaught of corrosion.

Metallic substrates are desperately trying to return to the earth as corrosion byproducts, and it’s our job to prevent that from happening. Corrosion is enemy #1 to our valuable global infrastructure and Graham Industrial is committed to providing solutions that halt and reverse the effects of corrosion.

We understand that beauty creates energy, and we can participate in this dynamic by making things beautiful and inspiring to look at. Whether your need is chemical or fuel containment, corrosion protection and asset preservation, environmental compliance, or aesthetic enhancement, we have the expertise, equipment, and people to make it happen.

Supported by NACE and SSPC training, standards, and oversight, Graham Industrial Coatings strives to be an industry leader in safety, customer satisfaction, and innovative technology.

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"Doug and his crew have always done us a great job, are always on time and on budget."

- Rusty McKenzie | Peak Oilfield Services